Tuesday, April 29, 2014

This is me. No, not literally but metaphorically speaking, I am this bush. I was planted here in this life for a purpose, for a season. Someone out there has high expectations for me, dreams. I have been on a journey for some time now; a journey of growth and maturity. For the most part, I was not aware of what was occurring. I foolishly thought I was simply going through the motions of life. Oh how wrong I have been. Every day I am either reaching for the warmth of the sun, soaking in the nourishment of an afternoon rain, blowing in the wind hoping my root system is strong enough to sustain me,  or simply standing in the still, quiet morn. I am either growing or dying. Reaching or falling. I am like this bush, still in the early stages of blossoming, hoping to survive the seasons of life in order to reach full maturity and growth into something, someone beautiful. 

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